*This entry was adjusted slightly after publication of the description of
Trigomphus kompieri Karube, 2015
**And again after publication of
Paracercion ambiguum Kompier & Yu, 2016
Sunday March 22 was supposed to become a sunny day. Sadly, the weather forecast is not very reliable in Vietnam, but after a very cloudy morning I did have some weak sunshine in the afternoon, just enough for things to become a little more active. Last year in April I had found a new species of
Trigomphus in Huu Lien, but by then it was already scarce, as
Trigomphus is an early genus (season-wise). I wanted to take some better photos of it, so for the first real dragonfly trip in northern Vietnam of the season I headed for Huu Lien. In the morning I saw two males and a female, but they did not linger. When the sun came out in the afternoon they showed better, but sadly no female anymore. This
Trigomphus species is the most southerly (apparently) of the genus and with the broad dark line of the flanks quite exceptional. A lovely gomphid. It has recently been described by Haruki Karube as
T. kompieri.
I was able to see 31 species over the day, not bad, given that the weather was not good and it is only March. Highlights included 5 freshly emerged
Asiagomphus, likely
A. auricolor, 3
Epophthalmia elegans,
Anax guttatus, and
Paracercion ambiguum.
Beautiful Trigomphus kompieri, male |
Another male perched by the side of the stream |
Same male as in the previous photo, perched this time on a snag |
A common species, but handsome, Trithemis aurora, female |
Copula of Pseudagrion microcephalum, one of three Pseudagrion species observed today |
Already subject of the blog on many occasions, yet another photo of the pretty Paracercion ambiguum. |
One of five freshly emerged Asiagomphus, likely auricolor. |