Sunday 16 November 2014

Second visit to Cat Tien National Park

Kameliya and I went for a 6 day visit to Cat Tien National Park, as follow up for my earlier visit in the summer. Today is day 5 of the stay, so one more full day to go. Until now it has been very different from the earlier (rainy season) visit. The best thing is that it does not rain, or hardly. Every morning is clear blue and before it gets warm it is very pleasant. Some great birds too, with Lesser Adjutant, Painted and Woolly-necked Storks, Grey-headed Fish Eagle, Brown Fish Owl, Siamese Fireback, Wreathed Hornbill and Great Hornbill and many more. But we are here for the Odonata list. Until today the following species were added:

Gynacantha dohrni (new for Vietnam)
Agrionoptera insignis (apparently new for Vietnam, but occurs all around)
Tetrathemis hyalina (already on the list, but not yet in our survey)
Trithemis pallidinervis (to be expected)
Neurothemis intermedia (likewise)
Epophthalmia vittata (or frontalis) (already found by James)
Tramea virginia (to be expected)
Zyxomma petiolatum (to be expected)
Rhinagrion hainanense (a great addition, known of course from the north)
Ischnura aurora (to be expected)
Archibasis viola (the second Archibasis, apparently not new for Vietnam)
Copera chantaburii (already known from Vietnam)
Orolestes octomaculata (already recorded by James)
Ceriagrion chaoi (note that this is a different species than what I presumed was C. chaoi. I will need to change that species, so this is an addition to the Vietnamese list)
Ceriagrion praetermissum (new for Vietnam)
Agriocnemis femina (to be expected)
Agriocnemis minima (to be expected)
Mortonagrion aborense (to be expected)

With some luck we will add 20 species or so, although 2 of the above had been recorded by James already this summer, and one was known from historical records. So watch this space, as soon I will provide the evidence!

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